Rainbow SawDust, created in 2022, is a collaboration of weekend-warrior woodworkers: Todd (Honu Creations) and Stephan (Sanddollar Woodworking). They both are aerospace engineers and live on either side of the 405 freeway in the SouthBay area of Los Angeles. They make sawdust in their limited free time, first creating pieces for their families and friends and now offering them to everybody. They use as much locally-sourced woods as possible and, inspired by the beach, surf and skate culture, they combine skateboards and hardwood in their creations.
Skateboards are made by 7 plies of maple; some of these plies are colored at random with food dye, making them pop like a rainbow. Rainbow SawDust collects old skateboards from local shops, diverts them from the landfill and upcycles them in various creations: bowls, earrings, coasters, chairs, tables and many more…